Funding: BMBF, 10/2011-09/2015
Background: The Federal Minisitry for Education and Research supports Universities and extramural research institutes, which bundle outstanding capabilities in the area of IT security research within the scope of competence centers in a thematic and organizational manner. These competence centers should already have an appropriate regional core structure and an associated and highly effective infrastructure. Regional focus is a prerequisite for sponsorship.
Content: The European Center for Security and Privacy by Design (EC SPRIDE) will supplement the existing IT security research in Darmstadt with its outstanding fundamental research, thereby helping to round off the research profile in Darmstadt. In addition to this fundamental research, the Center will also significantly influence the practical activities
The title of the competence center EC SPRIDE is also its program: it views security and data protection as requirements that must be taken into consideration during the initial design of IT-based systems. The definition and realization of security and data protection must therefore be an integral part of the design and be taken into consideration during the entire life cycle of such systems.
Funded Members: Tommaso Gagliardoni, Felix Günther